What Is Shoulder Surfing?

The term shoulder surfing might conjure up images of a little surfer “hanging ten” on your shirt collar, but the reality is much more mundane. Shoulder surfing is a criminal practice where thieves steal your personal data by spying over your shoulder as you use a laptop, ATM, public kiosk or other electronic device in public. Despite […]

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Standard Bank records surge in digital payments adoption

Consumers shied away from cash and gravitated towards digital payment solutions during the national lockdown according to statistics from Standard Bank’s card division. South Africans were asked to stay at home between April and September 2020, and this sudden change in circumstance was mirrored by changes in the way consumers spent their money. Over the […]

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Five checks to do before you buy a home

With the SA Reserve Bank’s repo rate currently at 3.5% and the prime lending rate in the country at 7%, it has made the property market more accessible to first-time home buyers. At the same time, it is important to make sure that all damage is fixed before you move into your new home, as […]

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Personal liability cover: The underappreciated benefit of contents insurance

When you buy car insurance, you know that you’re not just covering yourself against damage to or the theft of your own vehicle – you’re also protecting yourself from spending a lifetime repaying the damage caused to a Range Rover or Ferrari should you be held liable for an accident. Did you know that you […]

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10 things to check to make sure your insurance claim goes through

Getting insurance cover for one’s assets is commonly seen by many as a grudge purchase, and as much as some customers might not enjoy paying their monthly premiums, the good news is that they’re assured that their assets are well covered (within the limits of the policy wording) to face the worst of unforeseen circumstances. […]

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South Africa’s new driving rules are coming – here’s what you will get demerit points for

Transport minister Fikile Mbalula has gazetted the latest draft of the administrative adjudication of road traffic offences (Aarto) regulations, detailing how the country’s new demerit system will work. The 540-page directive states that the new Aarto Act is due for a national roll-out on 1 July 2021. Following this, the allocation of demerit points will be introduced in […]

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Liability Claims – When to notify

Typically, an insurance policy stipulates that notice of a claim must be given as soon as possible or within the time limit stipulated by the policy. While this may seem simple enough with a straight-forward assets policy, liability insurance is markedly different.  The issues of when and why to provide notification of a liability claim […]

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Cyber Insurance Coverage

It’s not a matter of if your organization will experience a data breach, but when.  Ill-intentioned hackers across the globe are looking for ways to get rich quick by defrauding organizations. And those organizations’ most valuable assets—people—frequently fall prey to such criminals. With cyber insurance, you’ll be better positioned to mitigate the impacts of a cybersecurity incident. […]

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Load Shedding: 9 Ways To Protect Your Property

South Africa’s power utility Eskom has announced stage 2 load shedding due to  the increase in generation unit breakdowns. Load shedding is scheduled to take place from 08:00 and will continue until 22:00 with a high possibility that it may be escalated to stage 3 for the evening peak. When the load shedding stages increases, […]

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Be aware of this new vehicle scam

Hollard have made us aware of a scam to steal vehicles and we’d like to share some important information on how it works: A person posing as an employee of a vehicle manufacturer or dealership (referred to as the scammer) calls the vehicle owner to say that there is a recall and that it is […]

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